[Selling] [EUW] Handleveled Gold III Account [41 Champs, 8 Skins] -> 10€ only!! 08/09/2015 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies Hey, I'm here to sell my Smurf Account.
The Account is leveled by my own hands.
S4 -> Platinum
S5 -> Currently Gold III
http://fs1.directupload.net/images/150809/iv9wjk4 3.png
[Buying] LF Handleveled 30 unranked Account 07/30/2015 - League of Legends Trading - 5 Replies Hey Guys, i am looking for a not botted, handleveled lvl 30 unranked Account.
In the best case it has all the IP gained and not spent on champs or runes yet (only free champs) so i can spent the IP on the Champs and Runes i need.
If u have something like i am looking for, just pm me or write down here :)
EUW or TR preffered, other Regions maybe okay, too! :)
[Selling] ıllıllı ACCOUNT-SHOP ıllıllı EUW/TR/NA | Most Handleveled ıllıl 07/06/2015 - League of Legends Trading - 3 Replies http://i.imgur.com/nt3x3yd.jpg
EUW Accounts:
#01 5€ - LVL30 - 50 RP - 1181 IP - 6 Champs - 0 Skins - 3 Refunds -
#02 20€ - LVL30 - 51 RP - 1516 IP - 31 Champs - 6 Skins - 3 Refunds - Transfer EuNE + TR Free