Hey, I'm here to sell my LoL Account.
The account is LvL 30, has 194 wins in Normal and is Gold V in SoloQ.
The account has 22 Owned Champions.
-Master Yi
-Xin Zhao
And 9 Skins.
-Soul Reaver Draven
-Frosted Ezreal
-Dreadknight Garen
-Poolparty Graves
-Slay Belle Katarina
-Aether Wing Kayle
-Monarch Kog'Maw
-Riot Girl Tristana
-Pickpocket Twitch
And ofc full runes too.
I'm looking for:
PaySafeCard/PayPal/Another Acc, whatever you wish.
For more information add me on Skype: aponaxx