[Selling] EUNE UNRANKED ACC. 100 champs+ 02/04/2015 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies So yeah , its me again. This time I'am selling a EUNE account. It was gold last season , and plat in season 3. It has many champs , and has a good potential to be a smurf account or a main account ;P.Last game i played , was on on the 13 January 2015.
Some screenshots.
http://i.gyazo.com/a6925d1a00384896edb8c751110f28 29.png
http://i.gyazo.com/62c4ebfe35ed9f3f037e9cc5e22e3b e3.png
http://i.gyazo.com/43bcbbc48354c4c392043b1c02cf03 2b.png...
[Buying] EUNE acc low elo or unranked with a lot of champs. 06/18/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies Hello guys !
Wtb eune acc low elo or unranked with a lot of champs or a lot of ip/rp.
Dont care about other things.
[Selling] EUNE // LVL 30 // 48 Champs // Unranked 04/06/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 21 Replies Hey guys,
want to sell a LoL-Account.
The account is LvL 30, has over 500 wins in Normal and got 4 ranked games (3W/ 1L). Season 3 he was Silver.
It has less than 100 Riot Points and circa 500 Influence Points.
Edit: Now Silver 2 and circa 2000Ip.
48 Champs: