Weekend special boosting offer! 20€ for 2 gold divisions or 15€ for 2 silver!
Discussion on Weekend special boosting offer! 20€ for 2 gold divisions or 15€ for 2 silver! within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.
[Selling] CSGO BOOSTING, WEEKEND SPECIAL 09/20/2014 - Counter-Strike Trading - 0 Replies csgo boosting, 100% legit. any rank -> any rank.
price: 1 CSGO gift, I boost you for AS LONG AS YOU WANT. this offer expires after this weekend. I will boost you as long as you feel like playing. we can also take breaks.
if you want to bring along friends, they only have to pay 1 additional CSGO copy (so thats 2 csgo copies for 4 buddies getting boosted).
guaranteed boost to ANY rank, win no matter what. I will not ragebot or whatever, so you must play, but we will win guaranteed.
[Selling] Special offer Gold division boosting 09/13/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies 50% discount at Gold rank. €10 per division.
Payment method: Paysafecard/Paypal
Server: EUW only
[Selling] Boosting for Pizza! 3 divisions! 30$! ONE time offer. 11/07/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 11 Replies As the title says, im currently boosting 3 divisions for 30$.. this is a ONE time offer only so please POST before adding me to skype, im a verified employee of elokings! First come first serve!