[Selling] Selling unranked accounts to Euw! 04/19/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 2 Replies Hello i am selling unranked accounts to euw, and have alots of other accounts too.You can contact me via skype "kertunerikoinen"
Selling Unranked Accounts 09/27/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 5 Replies Have lvl 30 unranked accounts.
2x EUW, 1x EUNE, 1x NA.
lvl 30, ~16 champs, 2+ rune pages.
no trades, only PSC or Skrill.
[Selling] Selling EUW/NE/NA/Turkey lvl 30 ACCOUNTS UNRANKED 07/08/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 2 Replies Hi guys , i am selling unrankeds accounts on all servers
EUW : 2 Accounts
NE : 1 Account
NA : 1 Account
Turkey : 1 Account
Price: 10EUROS each