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400+ skins, diamond s4, PAX TF + CS Riven and more!

Discussion on 400+ skins, diamond s4, PAX TF + CS Riven and more! within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.

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400+ skins, diamond s4, PAX TF + CS Riven and more!

NA - North America acc.
-Around ~450 skins.
-Every champion except Kalista and Rek'Sai
-Silver S2, Platinum S3, Diamond S4(SoloQ and 3v3, positive soloq WR + less than 100 S4 soloq games played = good MMR for S5)
-Shit loads of summoner icons and ward skins.
-All account information included
-Nearly all limited/legacy/holiday skins(missing '14 harrowing/christmas)
-19 rune pages, all runes except for %XP gained quints and %HP seals
-PAX Sivir, PAX Jax, PAX TF, Riot Squad Singed, Riot K-9 Nasus, Riot Graves, Riot Blitzcrank, Championship Riven, Championship Shyvana, Championship Thresh, Victorious Elise, Victorious Morgana, S3 Victorious ward, S3 Championship ward, S4 highest tier Victorious ward, S4 Championship ward, Riot Fist Bump ward(on top of several other ward skins)
Never been chat restricted/ranked restricted, was banned a few times in 2012 for negative attitude/offensive language, no offences since. Actually was just gifted by RIOT for good behavior(lol)

A/W @ $400(less than $1 a skin and you get a diamond border? sick.)
pictures and any answers on request
willing to use a middleman~

Complete list of skins:
Aatrox: Justicar Aatrox
Ahri: Foxfire Ahri, Popstar Ahri, Midnight Ahri, Dynasty Ahri
Akali: Nurse Akali, Stinger Akali, Crimson Akali, Blood Moon Akali, All-Star Akali
Alistar: Longhorn Alistar, Unchained Alistar, Matador Alistar
Amumu: Sad Robot Amumu, Vancouver Amumu, Pharaoh Amumu, Emumu, Re-Gifted Amumu, Almost Prom King Amumu, Little Knight Amumu
Anivia: Team Spirit Anivia, Bird of Prey Anivia, Blackfrost Anivia, Noxus Hunter Anivia, Hextech Anivia
Annie: Frostfire Annie, Prom Queen Annie, Red Riding Annie, Annie in Wonderland, Reverse Annie, Goth Annie, Franken Tibbers Annie, Panda Annie
Ashe: Amethyst Ashe, Sherwood Forest Ashe, Heartseeker Ashe, Freljord Ashe
Azir: Galactic Azir
Blitzcrank: Piltover Customs Blitzcrank, iBlitzcrank, Riot Blitzcrank, Boom Boom Blitzcrank, Definitely Not Blitzcrank, Goalkeeper Blitzcrank
Brand: Apocalyptic Brand, Vandal Brand, Cryocore Brand, Zombie Brand
Caitlyn: Resistance Caitlyn, Headhunter Caitlyn, Safari Caitlyn, Arctic Warfare Caitlyn
Cassiopeia: Siren Cassiopeia, Mythic Cassiopeia, Jade Fang Cassiopeia
Cho'Gath: Jurassic Cho'Gath, Nightmare Cho'Gath, Battlecast Prime Cho'Gath, Loch Ness Cho'Gath
Corki: Dragonwing Corki, Red Baron Corki, Ice Toboggan Corki, Urfrider Corki, Fnatic Corki, Hot Rod Corki
Darius: Lord Darius, Bioforge Darius, Woad King Darius
Diana: Lunar Goddess Diana, Dark Valkyrie Diana
Dr. Mundo: TPA Dr. Mundo, Executioner Mundo, Rageborn Mundo, Mr. Mundoverse, Mundo Mundo, Toxic Dr. Mundo
Draven: Gladiator Draven, Soul Reaver Draven
Elise: Victorious Elise, Death Blossom Elise
Evelynn: Tango Evelynn, Masquerade Evelynn, Shadow Evelynn
Ezreal: Explorer Ezreal, TPA Ezreal, Nottingham Ezreal, Frosted Ezreal, Striker Ezreal, Pulsefire Ezreal
Fiddlesticks: Dark Candy Fiddlesticks, Surprise Party Fiddlesticks, Spectral Fiddlesticks, Pumpkinhead Fiddlesticks, Fiddle Me Timbers, Union Jack Fiddlesticks, Bandito Fiddlesticks
Fiora: Nightraven Fiora, Royal Guard Fiora, Headmistress Fiora
Fizz: Tundra Fizz, Fisherman Fizz, Void Fizz, Atlantean Fizz
Galio: Enchanted Galio, Hextech Galio, Commando Galio
Gangplank: Spooky Gangplank, Toy Soldier Gangplank, Sailor Gangplank, Special Forces Gangplank, Minuteman Gangplank
Garen: Commando Garen, Dreadknight Garen, Sanguine Garen, Desert Trooper Garen, Steel Legion Garen
Gnar: Dino Gnar
Gragas: Santa Gragas, Vandal Gragas, Oktoberfest Gragas, Scuba Gragas, Gragas Esq., Fnatic Gragas
Graves: Hired Gun Graves, Mafia Graves, Pool Party Graves, Riot Graves
Hecarim: Blood Knight Hecarim, Headless Hecarim, Reaper Hecarim, Arcade Hecarim
Heimerdinger: Snowmerdinger, Alien Invader Heimerdinger, Blast Zone Heimerdinger
Irelia: Frostblade Irelia, Infiltrator Irelia
Janna: Frost Queen Janna, Tempest Janna, Fnatic Janna, Forecast Janna
Jarvan IV: Darkforge Jarvan, Warring Kingdoms Jarvan IV, Dragon Slayer Jarvan, Commando Jarvan, Fnatic Jarvan IV
Jax: Temple Jax, PAX Jax, Angler Jax, The Mighty Jax, SKT Jax, Nemesis Jax
Jayce: Full Metal Jayce, Debonair Jayce
Jinx: Mafia Jinx
Karma: Traditional Karma, Sakura Karma, Sun Goddess Karma
Karthus: Pentakill Karthus, Grim Reaper Karthus, Fnatic Karthus, Statue of Karthus, Phantom Karthus
Kassadin: Pre-Void Kassadin, Harbinger Kassadin, Festival Kassadin
Katarina: Slay Belle Katarina, Bilgewater Katarina, Red Card Katarina, High Command Katarina, Mercernary Katarina, Kitty Cat Katarina
Kayle: Aether Wing Kayle, Unmasked Kayle
Kennen: Karate Kennen, Swamp Master Kennen, Arctic Ops Kennen, Deadly Kennen, Kennen M.D.
Kha'Zix: Mecha Kha'Zix
Kog'Maw: Sonoran Kog'Maw, Reindeer Kog'Maw, Caterpillar Kog'Maw, Lion Dance Kog'Maw, Deep Sea Kog'Maw, Monarch Kog'Maw, Battlecast Kog'Maw
LeBlanc: Wicked LeBlanc, Mistletoe LeBlanc, Prestigious LeBlanc
Lee Sin: Muay Thai Lee Sin, Traditional Lee Sin, Acolyte Lee Sin, SKT Lee Sin, Pool Party Lee Sin, Dragon Fist Lee Sin
Leona: Pool Party Leona, Valkyrie Leona, Iron Solaria Leona
Lissandra: Bloodstone Lissandra
Lucian: Hired Gun Lucian
Lulu: Winter Wonder Lulu, Bittersweet Lulu, Wicked Lulu, Dragon Trainer Lulu
Lux: Spellthief Lux, Commando Lux, Steel Legion Lux
Malphite: Marble Malphite, Glacial Malphite, Obsidian Malphite, Shamrock Malphite, Coral Reef Malphite
Malzahar: Djinn Malzahar, Shadow Prince Malzahar, Overlord Malzahar, Vizier Malzahar
Maokai: Totemic Maokai, Festive Maokai, Haunted Maokai, Goalkeeper Maokai
Master Yi: Headhunter Master Yi, Samurai Yi, Assassin Master Yi, Chosen Master Yi
Miss Fortune: Road Warrior Miss Fortune, Cowgirl Miss Fortune, Candy Cane Miss Fortune, Secret Agent Miss Fortune, Waterloo Miss Fortune
Mordekaiser: Lord Mordekaiser, Infernal Mordekaiser, Pentakill Mordekaiser, Dragon Knight Mordekaiser
Morgana: Exiled Morgana, Blackthorn Morgana, Ghost Bride Morgana, Victorious Morgana
Nami: Koi Nami
Nasus: Infernal Nasu, Riot K-9 Nasus, Dreadknight Nasus
Nautilus: Subterranean Nautilus, Abyssal Nautilus, AstroNautilus
Nidalee: Snow Bunny Nidalee, Leopard Nidalee, Headhunter Nidalee, Bewitching Nidalee, Pharaoh Nidalee
Nocturne: Eternum Nocturne, Haunting Nocturne, Void Nocturne, Ravager Nocturne
Nunu: Demolisher Nunu, TPA Nunu, Workshop Nunu, Nunu Bot, Grungy Nunu, Sasquatch Nunu
Olaf: Pentakill Olaf, Forsaken Olaf, Glacial Olaf
Orianna: Sewn Chaos Orianna, TPA Orianna, Bladecraft Orianna, Winter Wonder Orianna
Pantheon: Full Metal Pantheon, Perseus Pantheon, Myrmidon Pantheon, Dragonslayer Pantheon
Poppy: Lollipoppy, Blacksmith Poppy, Battle Regalia Poppy, Ragdoll Poppy, Noxus Poppy, Scarlet Hammer Poppy
Quinn: Phoenix Quinn
Rammus: Chrome Rammus, Full Metal Rammus, Molten Rammus, Freljord Rammus, Ninja Rammus
Renekton: Pool Party Renekton, Galactic Renekton, Bloodfury Renekton, Rune Wars Renekton
Rengar: Headhunter Rengar, Night Hunter Rengar
Riven: Redeemed Riven, Crimson Elite Riven, Battle Bunny Riven, Championship Riven, Dragonblade Riven
Rumble: Rumble in the Jungle, Bilgerat Rumble, Super Galaxy Rumble
Ryze: Pirate Ryze, Zombie Ryze, Uncle Ryze, Tribal Ryze, Professor Ryze, Dark Crystal Ryze
Sejuani: Sabertusk Sejuani, Darkrider Sejuani, Traditional Sejuani, Bear Calvary Sejuani
Shaco: Masked Shaco, Asylum Shaco, Workshop Shaco, Nutcracko, Royal Shaco
Shen: TPA Shen, Warlord Shen, Blood Moon Shen, Surgeon Shen, Yellow Jacket Shen, Frozen Shen
Shyvana: Championship Shyvana, Ice Drake Shyvana, Darkflame Shyvana, Ironscale Shyvana
Singed: Riot Squad Singed, Hextech Singed, Mad Scientist Singed, Augmented Singed, Snow Day Singed
Sion: Hextech Sion, Barbarian Sion, Lumberjack Sion, Warmonger Sion
Sivir: Snowstorm Sivir, Huntress Sivir, Spectacular Sivir, PAX Sivir, Bandit Sivir, Warrior Princess Sivir
Skarner: Earthrune Skarner, Sandscourge Skarner
Sona: Muse Sona, Silent Night Sona, Arcade Sona, Pentakill Sona
Soraka: Divine Soraka
Swain: Tyrant Swain, Northern Front Swain, Bilgewater Swain
Syndra: Justicar Syndra
Talon: Renegade Talon, Crimson Elite Talon, Dragonblade Talon
Taric: Emerald Taric, Bloodstone Taric
Teemo: Recon Teemo, Happy Elf Teemo, Super Teemo, Badger Teemo, Astronaut Teemo, Panda Teemo
Thresh: Deep Terror Thresh, Championship Thresh
Tristana: Firefighter Tristana, Riot Girl Tristana, Earnest Elf Tristana, Buccaneer Tristana, Rocket Girl Tristana, Guerilla Tristana
Trundle: Traditional Trundle, Lil' Slugger Trundle
Tryndamere: Demonblade Tryndamere, Viking Tryndamere, Sultan Tryndamere, Highland Tryndamere, Warring Kingdoms Tryndamere, King Tryndamere
Twisted Fate: Jack of Hearts Twisted Fate, PAX Twisted Fate, Tango Twisted Fate, The Magnificent Twisted Fate, High Noon Twisted Fate, Underworld Twisted Fate
Twitch: Whistler Village Twitch, Kingpin Twitch, Gangster Twitch, Vandal Twitch
Udyr: Black Belt Udyr, Spirit Guard Udyr, Primal Udyr
Urgot: Giant Enemy Crabgot, Butcher Urgot, Battlecast Urgot
Varus: Arctic Ops Varus, Arclight Varus, Blight Crystal Varus
Vayne: Heartseeker Vayne, SKT T1 Vayne, Dragonslayer Vayne, Vindicator Vayne, Artiocrat Vayne
Veigar: Final Boss Veigar, Bad Santa Veigar, Superb Villain Veigar, Baron Von Veigar, Leprechaun Veigar, White Mage Veigar, Curling Veigar
Vel'Koz: Battlecast Vel'Koz
Vi: Neon Strike Vi, Officer Vi
Viktor: Creator Viktor, Prototype Viktor, Full Machine Viktor
Vladimir: Count Vladimir, Marquis Vladimir, Nosferatu Vladimir, Vandal Vladimir, Blood Lord Vladimir
Volibear: Northern Storm Volibear
Warwick: Big Bad Warwick, Firefang Warwick, Feral Warwick
Wukong: General Wukong, Volcanic Wukong
Xerath: Scorched Earth Xerath, Runeborn Xerath, Battlecast Xerath
Xin Zhao: Commando Xin Zhao, Imperial Xin Zhao, Warring Kingdoms Xin Zhao, Winged Hussar Xin Zhao, Viscero Xin Zhao
Yasuo: High Noon Yasuo
Yorick: Undertaker Yorick, Pentakill Yorick
Zac: Special Weapon Zac
Zed: SKT T1 Zed, Shockblade Zed
Ziggs: Mad Scientist Ziggs, Pool Party Ziggs, Snow Day Ziggs
Zilean: Time Machine Zilean, Old Saint Zilean
Zyra: SKT Zyra, Wildfire Zyra, Haunted Zyra
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Old 01/22/2015, 23:39   #2
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Old 02/01/2015, 21:35   #3 Trade Status: Unverified(?)
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uhh, and how much are you willing to get ?
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Old 02/01/2015, 22:39   #4
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I'd like to get $250 but reasonable offers will obv be considered. Not in an immediate rush to sell it, just never play the game anymore and would rather have the cash than an account collecting dust. :P
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Old 02/05/2015, 23:18   #5 Trade Status: Unverified(?)
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can u send me or post a pic of the icons do you have ?
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Old 02/07/2015, 10:43   #6
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add my skype and i can show you. sorry, didn't see that til now.
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Old 02/26/2015, 00:49   #7 Trade Status: Unverified(?)
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Hello, offer still up?
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