Hi guys (:
I currently have 2 accounts up for sale/trading!
I have original email of both of them.
Platinum 3
33 Champions
9 Skins (Grey Warwick, Medieval Twitch, Skt Jax, Victorious Morgana + others)
14 Rune Pages
Platinum 5
57 Champions
13 Skins ( Riot Blitz, Arcade Hecarim, Mistletoe Leblanc, Victorious Morgana + others)
11 Rune Pages
I'm also currently boosting to plat 5 a gold account with Championship Riven.
It will be available soon.
I'm looking for either some cash or an account that fulfills these criterias:
1) Unranked.
2) Original email.
3) Has at least 30-40 champions including: Riven, Lee sin, Zed, Ahri, Thresh.
4) Has Dragonblade Riven, Muay thai or Pool party lee sin, shockblade zed and foxfire ahri.
For a good account I can give both plat accounts.
Pm me here or add me on skype: fenryr03