Hey guys. I do elo boost on all european servers almost for free, because I just want to stomp low elos with friend when we are high and dont want to tryhard so much. Since I was doing it for free before and my post got moved to freebies section where almost noone look, so I ran out of bronze acc since all are silver now
I will do it for 0.50euro per division or you can gift me some mystery gift
I will not talk to your friendlist or disconnect you from your account randomly.
I usually write from my main if I can log in.
You can play ranked during time I boost you because I dont care how much times I have to win
If you have standard AP and AD runes, thats great!
CONTACT ME VIA PM I will add you on skype!
I am plat 4 on euw
Here is link to my previous thread, where I have screens, vouches etc.