Gold V with a unverified email, so you can use your own email. Will only go first if your a trusted trader with a rep.
Only accepting payment from Verified Paypal Accounts.
PM if interested.
[Trading] LOW ELO NA ACCOUNT CS RIVEN ICON UNVERIFIED EMAIL 08/15/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 10 Replies Account has around 40 champions, no skins, currently is unranked but was Bronze V with low mmr last season. Also has Championship riven icon from S2 World finals. Email is unverified, which means You'll get 4 win IP boost. Also account has honorable opponent bundle (green one).
Will accept anything league related or $, since Im playing on EUW now.
[Selling] [EUW Gold V] High MMR/Unverified Email 07/16/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies
Asking for €25 PP or EG.