[Selling] Euw Account 90 Champs Legendery Skins 30 SKins Udyr Ultimate Ez too Paypal very Cheap 01/20/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies I sell my EUW account lvl 30 very good skins, like 81 Champs 3 Runespage
41 Icons with Original Email
Very Cheap
For more Infos PM me
i Sell it for 25-35 Euro in Egold or in Paysafecard or Paypal, we can with Middleman
i speak German, English and Polish
But paypal better :D
[Selling] Diamond V account (All champs / 115+ skins + 9 Rune pages + Rare icons/skins) 07/27/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 1 Replies I have decided to sell off my main due to having no need for it anymore and needing abit of cash at the moment, its a rare account and i am looking for serious offers.
WTS LoL Account on EUWEST (viele Champs, Skins!/ many Champs and Skins) 08/29/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 6 Replies THE ACCOUNT IS EU WEST:
Ich verkaufe hier meinen LoL Account.
Aktuell besitzt er leider nur eine Elo von ca. 1250, seine Top Elo ist ~ 1520!
Normale Wins hat er ca 600.
Er besitzt alle Champs außer :
Rengar, Zyra, Jayce, Draven, Darius, Varus, Hecarim, Lulu, Ziggs