These are the thing that you can find logging the account.
Skins: (alphabetical order)
Aether Wing Kayle
Arcade Hecarim
Arctic Ops Kennen
Arctic Warfare Caitlyn
Assassin Master Yi
Augmented Singed
Bandito Fiddlesticks
Barbarian Sion
Battle Bunny Riven
Battle Regalia Poppy
Bear Cavalry Sejuani
Bilgewater Swain
Blood Moon Akali
Bloodstone Taric
Coral Reef Malphite
Cottontail Teemo
Count Vladimir
Dark Crystal Ryze
Dark Valkyrie Diana
Darkflame shyvana
Death Blossom Elise
Demolisher Nunu
Dragonblade Talon
Dragonslayer Vayne
Dreadknight Nasus
Earthrune Skarner
Fisherman Fizz
Forsaken Olaf
Foxfire Ahri
Freljord Ashe
Frostblade Irelia
Full Metal Rammus
Ghost Bride Morgana
Gladiator Draven
Glaive Warrior Pantheon
Golden Alistar
Grim Reaper Karthus
Groovy Zilean
Harbinger Kassadin
Headhunter Rengar
Hextech Anivia
Hillbilly Gragas
High Moon Yasuo
Hyena Warwick
Ice Drake Shyvana
Ionia Master Yi
Justicar Aatrox
Leprechaun Veigar
Lil'Slugger Trundle
Loch Ness Cho'Gath
Marble Malphite
Masked Shaco
Mecha Kha'Zix
Muay Thai Lee Sin
Nemesis Jax
Neon Strike Vi
Northern Storm Volibear
Officer Vi
Panda Annie
Pentakill Olaf
Pharaoh Nidalee
Pentakill Yorick
Pool Party Lee Sin
Pool Party Renekton
Presigious LeBlanc
Rageborn Mundo
Reaper Hecarim
Sad Robot Amumu
Sewn Chaos Orianna
Sandstorm Katarina
Shockblade Zed
Special Weapon Zac
Siren Cassiopeia
Spooky Gangplank
Steel Legion Lux
Sultan Gangplank
Tango Evelynn
Tango Twisted Fate
Totemic Maokai
Vandal Twitch
Viking Tryndamere
Void Nocturne
Warlord Shen
Warring Kingdoms Jarvan IV
Warring Kingdoms Xin Zhao
White Mage Veigar
Woad King Darius
Mighty Jax
Victorious Elise
Dark Candy Fiddlesticks
Santa Gragas
Kitty Cat Katarina
Festive Maokai
Haunting Nocturne
Bewitching Nidalee
Zombie Ryze
( I think i forgot 2 or 3 skins) Total: 105+ skins
Ward Skins:
Season 3 victorious Ward
Haunting ward
Deadfall Ward
Runes( got 16 rune pages)
9x Greater Mark of Armor
9x Greater Mark of Armor Penetration
9x Greater Mark of Attack Damage
9x Greater Mark of Attack Speed
9x Greater Mark of Hybrid Penetration
9x Greater Mark of Magic Penetration
9x Greater Seal of Mana Regeneration
9x Greater Seal of Scaling Attack Damage
9x Greater Seal of Armor
9x Greater Seal of Scaling Health
9x Greater Glyph Of Ability Power
9x Greater Glyph of Attack Speed
9x Greater Glyph of Cooldown Reduction
9x Greater Glyph of Magic Resist
9x Greater Glyph of Scaling Attack Damage
9x Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist
3x Greater Quintessence of Ability Power
3x Greater Quintessence of Armor
3x Greater Quintessence of Lifesteal
3x Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed
3x Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage
I own all the champions except:Brand, Fiora, Galio, Graves, Jayce, Kog'Maw, Lissandra, Lulu, Malzahar, Miss Fortune, Quinn, Varus, Vel'Koz, Viktor.
Price: 100 euro
Payment can be done via Steamwallet( on my steam account via Paypall, Paysafe, Bank), Paysafecard.
U can pm me here, or find me on skype: skille71, facebook