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NA l~100 Champs l Plat S3/S4 l Many Skins

Discussion on NA l~100 Champs l Plat S3/S4 l Many Skins within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.

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NA l~100 Champs l Plat S3/S4 l Many Skins

Hello all, looking to sell my account for a bit of extra cash to last me my semester at school. Hopefully quick and painless. It was Plat 1 last season, currently Plat V in promotionals right now.

Here are the skins in no particular order:

Tango Twisted Fate
Marquis Vladimir
Aether Wing Kayle
Judgement Kayle
Headhunter Yi
Samurai Yi
Unchained Ali
Uncle Ryze
Dark Crystal Ryyze
PAX Sivir
Grey Warwick
Firefighter Tristana
Earnest Elf Tristana
TPA Nunu
King Tryndamere
Demonblade Tryndamere
Freljord Ashe
Justicar Aatrox
Nemesis Jax
Gangster Twitch
Medieval Twitch
Loch Ness Cho
Blackfrost Anivia
Full Metal Rammus
TPA Mundo
Frost Queen Janna
Minuteman Gangplank
Sandstorm Katarina
High Command Kat
Commando J4
Galactic Renek
General WU
TPA Orianna
Victorious Elise
Muay THai Lee
Snow Bunny Nidalee
Pharoah Nida
Spirit Guard Udyr
Infernal Nasus
Arctic OPS Ken
Pulsefire Ezreal

there are some more, so I'll just post the list here:

If interested let me know here or PM me. looking for ~$70usd
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Old 04/10/2014, 21:39   #2
backoswacko10's Avatar
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still selling
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