[Selling] [NA]Selling Plat Teams/Slots for 5's 10/17/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 2 Replies North America 5x5 Ranked Teams
Ownership: $60
Private message or post in thread if interested
[Selling] Selling Diamond / Plat Teams 09/03/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies Hi we are a group of boosters who can make Platinum and Diamond teams in 5 games or 6. We are selling the whole team or slots.
Message us for prices , we can do this on 3v3's or 5v5's
This is for NA Server
Skype : Cream9000
Not sure on finalized prices yet but we have made a few already and are ready to sell.
Selling Plat Teams 08/14/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies Hey, I do fun 5v5's with my friends and we usually just place plat after going 5-0, 4-1, 3-2 and now am looking to sell them.
Trusted seller, you can check my past posts and trades.
How it works is that you pay me and I'll give you leadership of the team. And you're free to invite whoever you want because it's yours and as long as invites are available. Simple simple simple
I currently have 3 teams for sale right now.