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Selling LoL Skins | Pax Skins, Riot Skins (Inc Pax TF, Silver Kayle & Human Ryze)

Discussion on Selling LoL Skins | Pax Skins, Riot Skins (Inc Pax TF, Silver Kayle & Human Ryze) within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.

Old   #1
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 94
Received Thanks: 6
Selling LoL Skins | Pax Skins, Riot Skins (Inc Pax TF, Silver Kayle & Human Ryze)

[size=large]Selling RARE LoL Skins | All Regions [/size]

In stock skins:

Pax Sivir ($25) Stock= In stock ALL
Riot Nasus ($25) Stock= NONE [REQUEST]
Pax Jax ($30) Stock= EUNE, EUW & OCE
Riot Singed ($30) Stock= EUNE, EUW & OCE
Silver Kayle ($70) Stock = OCE & NA
Human Ryze ($70) Stock = OCE & NA
Pax TF ($130) Stock = OCE & NA


North america, EU Nordic & East & west Oceania & EUW!

PayPal is the payment


Anyone want to buy at all please?
trukfit is offline  
Old 07/21/2015, 23:24   #2 Trade Status: Unverified(?)
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Feb 2015
Posts: 62
Received Thanks: 6
skin codes was disabled so how do ppl get the skins then?
Silmaw is offline  

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