[Selling] NA Bronze 3 Account(RARE SKINS)(PAX JAX+SIVIR!!!)(LOTS OF CHAMPIONS+SKINS) 01/13/2016 - League of Legends Trading - 6 Replies Hi, I'm going to be selling my account due to the fact I more then likely won't have enough free time to play any more when I begin attending college.
The account is on the North American Server.
The account has 2 RARE PAX Skins that you can't buy on League of Legends anymore.
PAX Jax (Valued at over 100$USD)
PAX Sivir (Valued at over 25$ USD)
The account has 76 Champions
The account has 43 Skins
[Buying] Bronze / Silver Acc | Many Champs & Skins | 08/02/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 3 Replies Hi I'm buying a Bronze / Silver Account that have many champs & skins.
I can offer a 100€ Paysafecard. If that's not enough I have money on paypal.
I'm gonna use this account to climb from bronze / silver to diamond.
The more champs & skins you have the more money i'll pay.
I do care about legacy / rare skins as it is respected to play with them ;)
Add me on skype or post below with ur offer !
skype : Andreas.Mijzno
[Selling] Bronze-Silver boosting very cheap ( 5 € from bronze V to bronze IV) 06/07/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 1 Replies Hello. Im boosting bronze-silver accounts with my friend.
I accept paysafecards and skin codes for EAST
Bronze divisions V-I - 5 €
Bronze I - Silver V - 10 €
Silver divisions V-I - 10 €
Silver I to Gold V - 20 €