Unranked level 30! 0 ranked games ever! ORIGINAL EMAIL included. NA
Discussion on Unranked level 30! 0 ranked games ever! ORIGINAL EMAIL included. NA within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.
[Selling] Gold3 EU-NE 70 champs Original email included! 10/12/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 2 Replies Hello, I'ms elling an account on nOridc eu east soloque rating gold3. i include original email on gmail without phone number attached which the account was registered on so you have total security!
If you want to see champions go there:
add druppyx on skype if you're interested
I'd like to get 35 eur for this account but ill consider all offers!
I'm not giving you the details first, but i'm always up to a positive-score middleman!
[Buying] 30 LEVEL unranked eu west and eu east with original email 10/03/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies I WANT TO BUY
30 LEVEL unranked eu west and eu east with original email
Please pm your skype to add you or post it.
Max price 10 euro per acc
[Buying] Level 30 unranked with original email 07/25/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 3 Replies Looking for an unranked level 30 account . Only requirement is a clean account with original email
[Selling] 1x Fresh & Clean 0 Ranked Games Level 30 NA League Account with original email 07/09/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 2 Replies How will I transfer the accounts to you?
The account was registered with a Yahoo email that I will simply hand over to you. The password of the account will be changed to something temporary, and you will then be given access to change the password yourself. I will also supply you with all date creation details should you need to contact Riot Support to verify that you are the original owner.
What am I looking to receive?
I am looking for PayPal only. I will require you to go through some...
[Selling] WTS unranked level 30 Account Na server ORiginal Email 04/20/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 2 Replies hello im selling my unranked level 30 account Na region
account has 65+champs 4 rune pages original email
im looking for psc or paypal