About me- I'm EU player with Platinum 4 account on west and Platinum 1 on east. Started playing on s2, ended with 1600Elo. Would have probably been diamond already on one, but didn't put enough effort to do this this season. I've been helping alot my friends with getting bronze-> silver and sometimes silver-> gold. My actual rates are around +80% win ratio on Bronze, +70% on silver. I know that i'm not the best and elite player, but still can do much on lower leagues

Things which would be really great to have on your accounts are 2 basic decent rune pages for AP and AD champions. I play on Middle, Jungle and ADC.
Bronze League cost per division: 7EU/ 10$
Silver League Cost per division: 10EU/ 14$
Series= 5EU/7$
Price Per win: 2EU ( No matter if you're bronze/silver ).
If you get less points than you should ( Less than around 15) you need to buy wins, for price like above ^
My Skype: BrzozaBoost