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NForce Féiry Special Bronze Boosting (20 Euro Bronze 5-Silver 5) (Repost)

Discussion on NForce Féiry Special Bronze Boosting (20 Euro Bronze 5-Silver 5) (Repost) within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.

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Smile NForce Féiry Special Bronze Boosting (20 Euro Bronze 5-Silver 5) (Repost)

Hi there, my name is Fèiry i currectly reside on the EU East server in the high platinium region. I am looking to boost bronze players stuck in elohell, as it might be frustrating to be stuck i would like to help.

Bronze 5-Bronze 4: 5 Euro
Bronze 4-Bronze 3: 5 Euro
Bronze 3-Bronze 2: 5 Euro
Bronze 2-Bronze 1: 5 Euro
Bronze 1-Silver 5: 5 Euro

Combined package (Bronze 5-Silver 5): 20 Euro.

The money is paid via paypal, Half the money is paid at the start and half when the job is halfway through.

A division will be boosted in less than a day.

Please ask down below if you have any questions, or you would like a boost. I'm interested in doing vouch games if needed.

Skype: theroflman
League EUNE: NForce Fèiry
League EUW: Cythanical
NForce Fiery is offline  

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