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Discussion on EUNE, PLAT 3, 54 CHAMPIONS, 18 SKINS, 3 RUNE PAGES, CHEAP! within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.
09/24/2013, 16:10
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 85
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Similar Threads
[Selling] EUNE Silver V All Champions/6 Rune Pages/80+ Skins (6 Legendary Skins) +9K IP
08/19/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 2 Replies
I got bored of LoL and decided to sell this account.
The account is mine I created it on 2010.
Also I won't go first as I am not obliged to show you anything you just have to believe me. I am a trusted member (Check Kiritoo on EpicNpc) and I will use a MM too.
So scammers please don't bother to contact me.
My skype is geo.lamperouge
The account has all the champions until Aatrox and +8K IP so you will be able to buy Lucian.
It doesn't have free transfer or anything.
[Selling] PLAT 5 EUW,high hidden elo , 50+ Skins , 100+ Champions, 15+rune pages
08/01/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies
Dieser Account beinhaltet :
109 Champions
und 52 Skins
15 extra Runenseiten
Platin 5 50+ Punkte, hohe Hidden-Elo, +30 bis 38 Punkte pro Sieg , -10 bis 20 bei Niederlage
Beschwörersymbole :
Cloud 9 Season 3 Teamsymbol
[Selling] Plat 4 Account IGN Sexy, 99 Champions, 64 Skins, 19 Rune pages Plat Border
07/15/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 1 Replies
[Selling] or WTT NA Plat 3, good mmr, all champions, 344 skins, all runes 20 rune pages, 65k ip
07/05/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies
Account info :
I'm the original owner, made the account myself and played everything on it
It has every single champions and 65k IP so you can buy all upcoming champions
It has 344 skins (that's like 90% of all the skins ever made)
Plat 3 0 LP with good MMR (gain 25-31 LP per game)
it has 20 rune pages with ALL runes
[WTS] EUNE account 80 champions , 52 skins , 9 rune pages , look in .
01/20/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 2 Replies
Hello , i'm intending to sell/trade my LoL account that has ~80 champions , 52 skins ( 5 LEGENDARY + PULSEFIRE EZREAL !!! ) ,9 rune pages, ~2.2k RP'S. .
Notice : Going first , only with trusted member's or maybe if i trust you going first too .
Skype : jim.robert8
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