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EUW Account , platinum 1 ALL champs , +80 skins , 15 runepages.

Discussion on EUW Account , platinum 1 ALL champs , +80 skins , 15 runepages. within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.

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EUW Account , platinum 1 ALL champs , +80 skins , 15 runepages.

Hello, I sell my account. It has all champs available at the moment and 81 skins. 15 rune pages and runes you can see in the photo
The account is in platinum 1 atm and it has a good MMR. It has some legendary skins, a ultimate skin (20 € worth) and some legacy ones (you can not buy anymore)

Reason to sell : Wanna start my Elo-Boost Service and need money for Site,etc..





1 Firefox Ahri
2 Crimson Akali
3 Bood Moon Akali
4 Unchained Alistar
5 Pharaoh Amumu
6 Bird of prey Anivia
7 Goth Annie (collector edition)
8 iBlitzcrank
9 Vandal fire
10 Dragonwing Corki
11 Woad King Darius
12 Mr Mundoverse
13 TPA Mundo
14 Shadow Evelynn
15 TPA Ezreal
16 Nottingham Ezreal
17 Fisherman Fizz
18 Commando Galio
19 Minuteman Gangplank
20 Desert Trooper Garen
21 Commando Garen
22 Riot Graves
23 Night Blade Irelia
24 Tempest Janna
25 Warring Kingdoms Jarvan IV
26 Angler Jax
27 Debonair Jayce
28 Traditional Karma
29 Pentakill Karthus
30 Deep One Kassadin
31 Slay Belle Katarina
32 Judgment Kayle
33 Getting MD
34 Mecha Kha'Zix
35 Lion Dance Kog'Maw (legendary)
36 Dragon Fist Lee Sin
37 Muay Thai Lee Sin
38 Dragon coach Lulu
39 Steel Legion Lux
40 Shamrock Malphite
41 Vizier Malzahar
42 Assasin Master Yi
43 Ionia Master Yi
44 Sinful Succulence Morgana
45 Ghost Bride Morgana
46 Pharaoh Nasus
47 French Maid Nidalee
48 Headhunter Nidalee
49 TPA Nunu
50 Sasquatch Nunu
51 Forsaken Olaf
52 TPA Orianna
53 Blade Craft Orianna
54 Noxus Poppy
55 Rune Wars Renekton
56 Redeemed Riven
57 Uncle Ryze
58 TPA Shen
59 Frozen Shen
60 Ice Drake Shyvana
61 Augmented Singed
62 Lumberjack Sion
63 Sona Arcade
64 Nothern Front Swain
65 Emerald Taric
66 Badger Teemo
67 Firefighter Tristana
68 Buccaneer Tristana
69 Traditional Trundle
70 Demo Blade Tryndamere (legendary)
71 Musketeer Twisted Fate
72 Medieval Twitch (Rare skin)
73 Spirit Guard Udyr (ultimate skin)
74 Arclight Varus
75 Heartseeker Vayne
76 White Mage Veigar
77 Warwick Grey (Rare skin)
78 Tundra Hunter Wariwick
79 Battlecast Xerath
80 Commando Xin'Zhao
81 Imperial Xin'Zhao
82 Defender leona


Scammers! I got full account details
PM if you are interested


Swano's Boost is offline  
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