First account comes with:
Silver V
5 Rune pages
100 champions
White Mage Veigar
Chosen Master Yi
Commando Lux
Sorceress Lux
Tribal Ryze
Full Metal Jayce
16,000 IP & 256 RP
Price: 50€ paysafecard or offers.
2nd account:
Silver II
11 Rune pages
86 champions
Apocalyptic Brand
Assasin Master Yi
Frosted Ezreal
Price: Taking offers
3rd account:
Silver II
85 champions
6 rune pages
Full Metal Jayce
Mad Scientist Ziggs
Darkrider Sejuani
Infiltrator Irelia
Battlecast Xerath
Full Metal Pantheon
Little Knight Amumu
Bilgerat Rumble
Apocalyptic Brand
Traditional Lee sin
Nurse Akali
Blade Mistress Morgana
Nightblade Irelia
Bilgewater Swain
Giant Enemy Crabgot
Gentleman Cho
Bird of Prey Anivia
Tempest Janna
15,239 IP & 119 RP
Price: 50€ RP/Paysafecard or Offer.
Account 4:
95 champions
3 Rune Pages
Gladiator Draven
Headhunter Nidalee
Bandit Sivir
Nightblade Irelia
Stinger Akali
Frosted Ezreal
Golden Alistar
Assassin Master Yi
Bird of Prey Anivia
Forsaken Olaf
Minuteman Gangplank
Riot Squad Singed (!!!)
1038 RP & 13488 IP
Price: 60€ RP/Paysafecard
I will be willing to use a middleman/someone help me get some rep. I'll do anything to prove that I am trustworthy but I wont give you the account first, that's just dumb.
You can contact me @ or simply reply here.
Skype: DemacianServices