[Selling] NA Bronze 3 Account(RARE SKINS)(PAX JAX+SIVIR!!!)(LOTS OF CHAMPIONS+SKINS) 01/13/2016 - League of Legends Trading - 6 Replies Hi, I'm going to be selling my account due to the fact I more then likely won't have enough free time to play any more when I begin attending college.
The account is on the North American Server.
The account has 2 RARE PAX Skins that you can't buy on League of Legends anymore.
PAX Jax (Valued at over 100$USD)
PAX Sivir (Valued at over 25$ USD)
The account has 76 Champions
The account has 43 Skins
[Selling] EUW Beast Diamond Account + All Champions + 100 Skins + 20 Rune Pages + 5 Rare Skins 03/28/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 10 Replies Are you ready? I'm selling atm one Diamond account with all champions, all runes, 20 rune pages, 100 skins, Pax Sivir, Riot Graves, Pax Jax, Riot Singed and Riot k9 Nasus.
It includes the original e-mail and all info needed to recover this account.
Don't wast my time if you don't have money to buy this account, please.
You can shoot any offer.
Payment: Paypal as a gift or Paysafecard.
[WTS][EUNE] LOL Account LEVEL 30 |70+ champs| Legendary skins | Pax skins || DIAMOND 12/05/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 7 Replies Hello Im Selling my LOL ACCOUNT here is some info about the account:
Level 30
72+ champs (Includes Zed and Elise the newest champions!).
8000 IP
4582 RP
Diamond Border!
3 RUNE PAGE - FULL TANK - Damage - Ability power
WTB LoL Account with Beta Skins and Pre-Order Skins, On it.LF RARE SKINS 08/17/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 2 Replies I am mostly interested in the skins side of the buy here the more Rare skins you have on ur account the more i will offer for it please PM with ur account details and we will discuss a price if i like the sound of it
LoL Account Sale/EUNE/LVL30/60 Chamoions/25 Skins+Limited Skins//HOT!!! 04/15/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 1 Replies Hello,
I want to sell my LoL account here. I just tell the important fact about this account. For details add me on Skype->Xantr0x or send me a PM if u are intressted.
LVL 30
EUNE Server
60 Champions
25 Skins
Normal Wins/Looses:360/365
Ranked Wins/Looses:130/110