Discussion on 2 FRESH LVL 30 ACCOUNTS (ANY SERV) / LEVEL BOOST FROM 1-30 (LATINAMERICA NORTH SERV) within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.
Cheap Elo boost on EUW serv. 08/11/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 57 Replies Hello guys, I am doing elo job to Diamond from any League (I am Diamond I on my main account) on EUW/EUNE.
Payments go through Paypal only :
Bronze tier :
Any division :100 LP + promotion : 8€.
Silver tier :
[Buying] LF LVL serv. 14-30 2day xp boost 04/16/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 1 Replies LOOKING FOR LEVELING MY SMURF UP -
Kriksis1489 @ skype
Pref - payment method - paypal/psc
Appache Serv. mit MSSQL Serv. verbinden 03/07/2012 - Web Development - 3 Replies Moinsen,
ich hab da mal eine Frage und zwar wie genau kann man seinen SQL Server so einstellen das man ihn mit einem externen Appache Server verbinden lassen kann?
Also sprich:
Verbindung aufbauen nicht wie man es gewöhnt ist mit
mssql_connect(bla/SQLEXPRESS, ..., ...)
sondern dann eben mit einer IP Adresse:
mssql_connect(, ..., ...)
[LOOKING]LoL ACC North America Serv. 08/02/2011 - League of Legends Trading - 7 Replies Looking for a ACC North America Serv. LVL 30, with RUNE, and 30+ Champions.
Offer MAX 50€ or 66 U$s.
Mettod pay with PayPal.
[Problem] Tq Binaries(monsters,acc serv,NPC serv) 04/30/2009 - CO2 Private Server - 12 Replies Okay, I'm having problems with the binaries and I need some help fixing the problems.I have searched this entire co section to no avail, So please don't flame me.
If you need to add me to help me with the problems my msn is:[email protected]
Monster Problem:
okay I'm sure this is related to the npc server but i have no idea how to fix it.When I log in to my server everything works fine except none of the mobs spawn.Below is a screenshot of the msg server and the npc server....