Discussion on Zombie brand account EUWEST 120 skins all champs within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.
Hi guys .
I want to sell one of my accounts .
On the account are all runes , all champions , 19 pag runes , 120 + skins
All champion have 1 skin minimum .
More details : Ask me
EUWEST ACCOUNT 30 7 Skins - 50 Champs. 02/16/2016 - League of Legends Trading - 4 Replies Selling EUWEST ACCOUNT 30 7 Skins - 50 Champs, I will show everything on skype.
Price : Although is my smurf price at the moment is 10 euro, bids possible.
Payment - PSC or Gifting system. PM or Leave your skype in the comment section.
VK LoL Account Euwest 72 Champs 20 Skins 11/01/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies Ich verkaufe meinen LoL Eu-West Account 72Champs 20+Skins 800+ Wins
Preisvorstellung: so 25-40Euro Verhandlungsbasis
Bei Interesse addet mich in Skype:iiramboii
[WTS] 1672 ELO Account, 47 Champs, 14 Skins - EUWest 10/12/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 9 Replies ^
Champions (47):
http://i.imgur.com/OvCdD.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/rf 5nK.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/XxGy2.pnghttp://i.imgur. com/MEMkV.png
WTS LoL Account on EUWEST (viele Champs, Skins!/ many Champs and Skins) 08/29/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 6 Replies THE ACCOUNT IS EU WEST:
Ich verkaufe hier meinen LoL Account.
Aktuell besitzt er leider nur eine Elo von ca. 1250, seine Top Elo ist ~ 1520!
Normale Wins hat er ca 600.
Er besitzt alle Champs außer :
Rengar, Zyra, Jayce, Draven, Darius, Varus, Hecarim, Lulu, Ziggs