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[WTS] 50+ champs, 7 rune pages, legacy skins! Silver

Discussion on [WTS] 50+ champs, 7 rune pages, legacy skins! Silver within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.

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[WTS] 50+ champs, 7 rune pages, legacy skins! Silver

Hi, i have EUW acc for sale.
Ofc its 30lvl, no IP or RP, free transfer option to EUNE / Turkey.
Owned champions on screen shoots (just scroll down).

Skins (some on screen shoots):
Unchained Alistar
[U]Headmistress Fiora[/U]
Blood Knight Hecarim
Reaper Hecarim
[U]Judgment Kayle[/U]
Karate Kennen
Wicked LeBlanc
AssAssin Master Yi
Cowgirl Miss Fortune
Revager Nocturne
[U]Haunting Nocturne
Full Metal Rammus[/U]
Asylum Shaco
Riot Girl Tristana
Buccaneer Tristana
[U]Traditional karma[/U]
Traditional lee sin
5 rune pages

[B]MARKS[/B]: armor pene x9, phys dmg x9, atc spd x9, crit dmg x7, m pene x9
[B]SEALS[/B]: armor x9, physical dmg x9, mana regen / level x9, crit chance x4
[B]GLYPHS[/B]: cooldown x9, ap x5, magic res x8, ap / lvl x9, magic resist / lvl x9
[B]QUINTESSENCES[/B]: ap x1, armor x1, armor pene x3, crit dmg x3, gold per 10 x3,
magic pene x2, movement speed x2, spellvamp bonus x1
+ Silver border for Season 2
+ >500 normal wins
+ ~200 ranked wins this season
+ lot of active friends
+ 5 bonus icons

Only PayPal.
I can sell it also via allegro (~polish ebay).

If you are insterested msg me here or PM.
Sorry for my english

Images (dunno why img tags doesn't work, sorry for that):

There are some new champs: malp, darius and karma.
It's silver V.

+ one of that new icons from "frost event". Don't remmember how it was called.
noffak is offline  
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