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EUW Account Diamond IV [+S2 DIAMOND] , 101 Champions/35+ Skins/7 RunePages,200+ Runes
Discussion on EUW Account Diamond IV [+S2 DIAMOND] , 101 Champions/35+ Skins/7 RunePages,200+ Runes within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.
04/18/2013, 14:03
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 1
Received Thanks: 0
EUW Account Diamond IV [+S2 DIAMOND] , 101 Champions/35+ Skins/7 RunePages,200+ Runes
Skype: energiae
Xfire: supernova32
Payment: PayPal ONLY!
I'm currently selling this Diamond IV [DIAMOND borders from S2]
This account contains:
101 Champions
7 Runepages
Over 35 skins
Over 200 runes
Legacy & Legendary Skins [
1109 Normal wins
Currently 3k+ IP
Currently 1997 RP
Current Soloque ranking: Diamond IV
Runes ready for any kind of role or playstyle!!
Summoner Icons
Not Owned Champions
S2 Diamond Border
Warring Kingdoms Jarvan IV
Bioforge Darius
Pentakill Olaf
Dark Valkyrie Diana
Augmented Singed
Full Metal Jayce
Rune Wars Renekton
Galactic Renekton
Frostblade Irelia
Warlord Shen
Jade Dragon Wukong
Hyena Warwick
Silverfang Akali
Temple Jax
Redeemed Riven
Dragonslayer Vayne
Obsidian Malphite
Aristocrat Vayne
Acolyte Leesin
Frozen Terror Nocturne
Nightblade Irelia
Secret Agent Miss Fortune
Frosted Ezreal
Noxus Hunter Anivia
Bilgewater Katarina
Galactic Nasus
Imperial Xin Zhao
Professor Ryze
Victorious Jana
Victorious Jarvan
Judgment Kayle
Triumphant Ryze
Mecha Kha'zix
Bloodlord Vladimir
Aether Wing Kayle
I don't got an real price set for this but this account is worth alot, so i will sell to the highest bidder.
I will ignore troll posts and offers.
Contact me:
Skype: energiae
Or send me a message on here.
Accepted Payments: PayPal ONLY!
04/27/2013, 05:14
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 11
Received Thanks: 0
My offer would be 200$ for the moment
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