Discussion on Thread: EUW Level 30 Account 102 Champions & 109 skins / 28 legacy/limited skins inc within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.
HUGE League account, ALL CHAMPIONS, 203 SKINS, 13 LEGENDARY, LEGACY SKINS 02/18/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies Hey, I've played league for about 1.5-2 years now and I've had some good times. However I'm simply put just tired of people in this game. I'm tired of the way people act, I'm tired of the way people play. And now I feel like I'm done. I'm all used up and I don't want to play it anymore. Therefor I've decided to sell it. As put in the title, I've spent way too much money than I expected on this account. I'm really not going to list it all here. I want to get rid of the account for a fair ammount...