Discussion on WTS Riot K-9 Nasus EuW/EuNE!!!! Riot Graves / FM Rammus ! within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.
"Actually, if you want to buy here code. At first request trade. If you do that, you can report scammer. At second, read all . Did you see anywhere " Works on EuNe " or something ? Nope. On this forum is a lot of scammers"
WTS Riot graves,Full metal rammus,Riot nasus codes 11/28/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 23 Replies Hello i have some skin codes for sale:
Riot graves 4€: EUWEST x2,EUNE x2
Full metal rammus 3€: EUWEST x1,EUNE x2
Riot Nasus 3€:EUWEST x2,EUNE x2
Accept only Paypal. skype:tadlizger
[WTS] West lvl 30,2000 RP,riot nasus,riot graves, FM rammus ==>>PAYPAL 08/18/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies I want to sell my eu west account so here is the info : It has free transfer to the East server if its something you need
-lvl 30 Eu West account with 3 rune pages for AD , AP , OFFTANK(ad & hp) ... i have 64 champions and about 200 IP left and 1900 RP LEFT
elo is kinda low around 900
Skins :
stinger akali
unchained alistar
infiltrator irelia
SELL 2 LOL ACC /w riot graves,riot k-9 nasus,full metal rammus 08/18/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 2 Replies I want to sell my eu west account so here is the info : It has free transfer to the East server if its something you need
-lvl 30 Eu West account with 3 rune pages for AD , AP , OFFTANK(ad & hp) ... i have 64 champions and about 200 IP left and 1900 RP LEFT
elo is kinda low around 900
Skins :
stinger akali
unchained alistar
infiltrator irelia