Unranked lvl 30 account 07/18/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies I'm looking for a 30 euw account with some skins and champs , i don't care if the elo is low , i seeking skins and champs , i'm offering an unranked lvl 30 account 0 ranked games , add me in skype : adouim or pm me
Looking for Unranked LvL 30 EUW Account 04/27/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 5 Replies Hi,
I'm in need of a smurf account. Requirements:
- Lvl 30
- Good amount of Champs
- Important Ad/Ap runes or enough IP to buy them
- Unranked! Very important, No Win/Losses
- Prefer additional Runepages/Skins.