Account is 30lvl, 108X elo, silver reward from s2. account is originally mine
Atm has 2k ip. no refund tokens and 133 RP
57 champions, AD runepage and Ap runepage(some tier 2 runes 2 lazy to buy new)
Paypal only please, wont go first because been scammed already twice when trying to sell some games.
Thanks yo. post here your skypes and offer. i will go for 10€-20€ probably, has a few skins (deadly kennen, phantom karthus, nottingham ezreal, nightblade irelia, and Assanssin master yi) Will get elo max 1200 if wanted.
BTW: Im too lazy to take pictures, willing to show account on teamviewer / skype / livestream n stuff. offers, no less than 10€ please.
BTW2: 232 normal wins