i send a pm and a request to the threatstarter, but no answer.
and i dont know why.
so im searching in this way and when he answers, i maybe stop this search
Search Unranked Level 25-30 Account WEST OR EAST 08/07/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies Hey i'm looking atm for a smurf Acc but i'm too busy to level all the way again. So would be nice if some1 own such a acc.
Add me skype: speedy1012 or write here
Payment via Paypal and MM if you want
[Search] {Level Service} / {Referal Service} PAYPAL! 06/20/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 3 Replies Suche einen ,
-Referal Service 2.0
-Level Service
Referal Service:
Ich suche einen Referal Service 2.0
für 10-15€, mir geht es eigentlich nur um die IP + RunenSeite + RP.
[SEARCH] EU-West Level 30 09/28/2011 - League of Legends Trading - 9 Replies Hallo,
ich suche einen EU-West Level 30 Account, wichtig ist ausschließlich, dass der Account nicht negativ aufgefallen ist (Leaver/Beleidigungen) und das er möglichst viele Champions freigeschalten hat. Skins sind mir persönlich egal.
Gezahlt wird in PSC und via MM. Angebote bitte ausschließlich in den Thread posten, danke.
[SEARCH/SUCHE]: EU-West Level 30 Account (w/o ranked games) 09/23/2011 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies Hello,
I'm searching an EU-West Account at level 30 which has not taken part in any ranked games yet and is also not flagged as leaver or for e.g. insults.
Just tell me what your account has (Skins/Champs/RP/IP) and what price is okay for you. The payment will be done via PSC.