Search LoL thread designer( Elo Boost Service ) Give:3 Free rankeds ;)
Discussion on Search LoL thread designer( Elo Boost Service ) Give:3 Free rankeds ;) within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.
[SEARCH] Elo Boost Service? 900-1250 :D (EU) CLICK** 04/10/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 2 Replies German Version:
Hallo zusammen,
Ich suche einen Elo Boosting Server, für League of Legends!
die Elo von 920 auf 1250 (Gold Rating, mehr nicht :D)
Bezahlen? Würde ich gerne 25€ PSC.
ELO BOOST SERVICE(3 1st ppl free) 04/04/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 17 Replies Hello everyone
I found out many ppl are complaining about being in elo hell while theirs skilll is higher , so here i come to let u get into ur skill lvl due to me raising ur elo.
im former 2k elo eu west player
the prices for my service might look expenesive but they are actually not
[SERVICE]Thread-Designer *HOT* 01/08/2012 - elite*gold Trading - 0 Replies taltung.jpg
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-Was bedeuten die 1-3 Begriffe??
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