[Sell/VK] Gold spots and account EUW 10/27/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 1 Replies I accept only PSC for the acount and PSC or SKIN CODES for Gold team spots (3v3).
Add me skype habab530 to discuss.
- Champions 53 : http://pokit.org/get/?33f21d80638aa7...0f354ce389. jpg
- Runen seiten : 2
- Runen : AD, AP und noch welche
- ELO : 1430 http://pokit.org/get/?f4980fb1a1b7aa...5c110da820. jpg
Sell 3vs3 Gold Team + Spots 10/25/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 10 Replies Sell 3vs3 Gold Team for 10€ PSC
Selling 3vs3 Gold-Team
Hi @ all Im selling 3vs3 Gold-Team
At the Moment 2 in Stock
First : Invite ready 2 Left > on 27th 3 more
Second : Next 3 Invite 25.10.
Sell 3vs3 Gold-Elo Spots or Team 10/25/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 1 Replies Sell 3vs3 Gold Team for 10€ PSC
Selling 3vs3 Gold-Team
Hi @ all Im selling 3vs3 Gold-Team
At the Moment 2 in Stock
First : Invite ready 2 Left > on 27th 3 more
Second : Next 3 Invite 25.10.
Sell/Verkaufe gold 3v3 spots + acc EUW 10/22/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies Selling :
3 v 3 gold team invites ( x 3 ). Invites are avaiable at 26th october, as it seems season 3 ends 6th november so you have time.
You can go first, if you're trusted I go first and if not we can do middle-man.
Its cheap, I dont want much but place an offer. I take PSC or Skin Codes for it.
Also selling friends acc on EUW :
47 champions
Season 2 top elo 1559
Rune pages : 3
Skins : 6-7
I SELL 3v3 DIAMOND TEAM SPOTS/LEAD 10/13/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 3 Replies Hello Guys!
2 Friends and me made a Diamond Team 3v3 for a random guy who wanted to pay us, in the end, he just wanted to betray us and didn't gave us any money so we didnt gave him the lead obviously. So now i am sitting on a team what i dont need. If u want a Spot or the Lead just answer this Thread with your EU-West Gameaccount and I will add u ingame.
We also can make new Teams onto Diamond if we get too many requests.
It wont be that expensive.
Best Regards