Have Pax Jax, Riot Singed and Pax Sivir for EUW/NA Want Pax Jax EU:NE OR PSC
Discussion on Have Pax Jax, Riot Singed and Pax Sivir for EUW/NA Want Pax Jax EU:NE OR PSC within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.
I do have confirmed trade on reddit, i won't go 1st because one day someone scam me there, i do have proof and i can wirte anything on a piece of paper near this skincard's.
SELLING RARE SKINS - ( Pax Jax - Riot Singed - Pax Sivir - Riot Graves ) 08/16/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 26 Replies Hi i am selling some rare skin codes and i know scammers on that forum so i wont go first we can go with MM np or you will go first.All codes for different Servers so be carefull while reading.
Total : 1 Pax Jax - 35 Euro ( For EU you can use that code only one side - WEST or EAST )
Total : 2 Riot Singed - 35 Euro ( For Both Side EU and NA )
Total : 4 Pax Sivir - 10 Euro ( 3 of them For EU you can use that code only one side - WEST or EAST 1 of them for NA )
Total : 4 Riot Graves -...
Riot Singed, Pax Sivir 10/27/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 5 Replies Subject : WTS 2 skin codes 10 eu per code. Add me
Leonares1 in skype.
[WTB] Pax Sivir or Riot Singed! 01/06/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies Hello.
I wanna buy Pax Sivir or Riot Singed skin.
If you have one dat works on EU West - write to me on skype
Skype: dedoem9