[WTS] EU WEST 92 CHAMPS + 70 SKINS + PLAT S1 - 18XX ELO S2 10/15/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 34 Replies The account is on EU WEST. Good standing, never banned.
1200 Normal games -GOLD rating S1 (17xx) - Max rating S2 18xx - curr elo 14XX
92/96 Champions (Missing: Fiona, Ziggs, Lulu, Fiora)
70 skins included !
[Trade]EUW S2 Platinium 79 champs and loads of skins for S1 plat or gold 01/02/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 1 Replies Hi today I've decided to trade my acc. My account consits it bronze S1 and 1948 ELO 6 S2, 5vs5 arranged 1863 Elo top 2089, 10 rune pages and it also have about 36 skins and 98 ip boosts.
I want to trade if for account with S1 Plat or Gold , it needs to have minimum 65 champs, skins not neccesery and minimum of 7 rune pages.
Your offers please leave below or pm me with your skype name
http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/838/highelo. png/...
[WTB] Level 30 EUW account with all champs Gold or Plat from season 1 and alot skins 09/30/2011 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies The account should be as the title says. Shouldnt have more than 30 games played on season 2 and if they are played elo should be higher than 1500. I want all champs and alot of skins limited ones are a plus. I'm willing to pay up to $200 depending on the account. Skype: csaftekin add me. Can pay with paypal immediately if the account is something I like!