Some details about the account
League of Legends EU-West
Level 30
The account got a spezial Forum Archievment "Recruiter"
Season 1 Elo : 1530 - So you got the Goldenbanner in your Profile.
(Inkl. Jarvan Skin )
Season 2 Elo : 167x - Max (168x) Solo Que
Season 2 Elo : 19xx - Max 19xx - Top 10 Europe 3on3 Team so you will get an Platinum Archivment in your profile.
Ranked Games : 21x Wins / 10x Loses
Normal Games : 60x Wins / 48x Loses
Dominion Games : 28x Wins / 16x Loses
20 Runepages
All Heros
131 Skins (MANY RARE SKINS !!!)
285 Runen !!!!
15 RP
85.xxx IP
958 Games IP Boost
This Account got many Rare Skins Like :
Pax Jax , Pax Sivir
Medival Twitch, Grey Warwick
Riot Singed, Riot K9 Nasus
The Price for this Account is 140 €.
I am just traiding via a Trusted Middel Man from elitepvpers or you will give first.
I am just accepting PayPal. !!!
Add me in Skype : cK2f0r
This is one of the best Accounts you will see in League of Legends
Here are some Pictures :
20 Rune Pages :

All Runes :

All Heros :

Ranked Stats :

All Skins :
Legendary´s = Red ( 8 ) / Not Aviable / Event Skins ( 24 ) / Extrem RARE Skins !!!! ( 10 )
Ahri - Midnight Ari (975RP)
Akali - Stinger Akali(520RP) , Blood Moon Akali(975RP) , Silverfang Akali(975RP)
Alistar - Golden Alistar(390RP) , Matador Alistar(Not Aviable) , Unchained Alistar (Not Aviable)
Amumu - Almost-Prom King Amumu(520RP)
Anivia - Noxus Hunter Anivia(520RP)
Annie - Goth Annie(Digital Collectors Edition Skin) , Frostfire Annie(975RP) , FrankenTibbers Annie (Halloween 2011 Skin)
Ashe - Amethyst Ashe(975RP)
Blitzcrank - Boom Boom Blitzcrank(975RP) , Definitely Not Blitzcrank (Halloween 2011 Skin)
Brand - Apocalyptic Brand(975RP) , Crycore Brand(975RP)
Caitlyn - Sheriff Caitlyn(520RP) , Officer Caitlyn(975RP)
Cassiopeia - Siren Cassiopeia(975RP)
Cho´Gath - Nightmare Cho´Gath(Not Aviable) , Gentleman Cho´Gath(Legendary) , Jurassic Cho´Gath(975RP)
Corki - Red Baron Corki(Legendary) , Hot Rod Corki(520RP) , Urfrider Corki(975RP)
Evelynn - Tango Evelynn(975RP)
Ezreal - Nottingham Ezreal(Not Aviable)
Fiddlesticks - Spectral Fiddlesticks(520RP) , Bandito Fiddlesticks(975RP) , Fiddle Me Timbers(975RP) , Surprise Party Fiddlesticks(975RP)
Fizz - Atlantean Fizz(975RP) , Tundra Fizz(975RP)
Galio -Gangplank - Toy Soldier Gangplank(Weihnachtsskin 2011)
Garen - Sanguine Garen(520RP) , Dreadknight Garen(975RP)
Graves - Hired Gun Graves(520RP)
Heimerdinger - Snowmerdinger(Winterskin 2011)
Irelia - Nightblade Irelia(520RP) , Aviator Irelia(975RP) , Infiltrator Irelia(975RP)
Janna - Frost Queen Janna(975RP)
Jarvan IV - Victorious Jarvan IV(Season 1 - Gold Elo Skin)
Jax - Vandal Jax(520RP) , PAX Jax( PAX Skin 2010 ) , Jaximus(975RP)
Kassadin - Deep One Kassadin(520RP)
Kayle - Silver Kayle( Seltene Collectors Edition ) , Unmasked Kayle(Not Aviable) , Battleborn Kayle(975RP) , Judgment Kayle(Season 1 Belohnung)
Kennen - Karate Kennen(520RP)
Kog´Maw - Lion Dance Kog´Maw(Legendary)
LeBlanc - Mistletoe LeBlanc(Weihnachtsskin 2011)
Lee Sin - Traditional Lee Sin(520RP)
Leona - Valkyrie Leona(520RP)
Malphite - Gletscher Malphite
Malzahar - Vizier Malzahar(Not Aviable) , Shadow Prince Malzahar(520RP)
Maokai - Charred Maokai(520RP) , Festive Maokai(Weihnachtsskin 2011)
Master Yi - Ionia Master Yi(975RP)
Miss Fortune - Cowgirl Miss Fortune(975RP) , Road Warrior Miss Fortune(520RP) , Mafia Miss Fortune(975RP)
Mordekaiser - Lord Mordekaiser(975RP)
Morgana - Blade Mistress Morgana(975RP)
Nasus - Galactic Nasus(520RP) , Dreadknight Nasus(975RP) , Riot K-9 Nasus( CeBit / GamesCom 2011 Skin )
Nidalee - Pharaoh Nidalee(975RP) , Bewitching Nidalee(Halloween 2011 Skin)
Nocturne - Frozen Terror Nocturne(975RP) , Void Nocturne(520RP) , Haunting Nocturne(Halloween 2011 Skin)
Nunu - Grungy Nunu(975RP) , Nunu Bot(Legendary)
Orianna - Gothic Orianna(975RP) , Sewn Chaos Orianna(520RP)
Pantheon - Full Metal Pantheon(975RP)
Rammus- Freljord Rammus(520RP)
Renekton - Galactic Renekton(520RP) , Bloodfury Renekton(975RP)
Riven - Kampfhäschen Riven
Ryze - Zombie Ryze(Halloween Skin 2010)
Shaco - Workshop Shaco(Not Aviable) , Asylum Shaco(975RP)
Shen - Frozen Shen(Not Aviable) , Yellow Jacket Shen(Not Aviable)
Singed - Riot Squad Singed(CeBit Skin 2010) , Surfer Singed(975RP)
Sion - Hextech Sion(Not Aviable) , Warmonger Sion(975RP)
Sivir - Huntress Sivir(Gamers Choice Pack 3900 RP) , Bandit Sivir(975RP) , PAX Sivir(PAX Skin 2011)
Skarner - Sandscourge Skarner(975RP) , Earthrune Skarner(975RP)
Talon - Renegade Talon(520RP) , Crimson Elite Talon(975RP)
Taric - Bloodstone Taric(975RP)
Teemo - Recon Teemo(520RP) , Astronaut Teemo(Legendary), Cottontail Teemo(975RP)
Tristana - Riot Girl Tristana(Facebook Skin) , Firefighter Tristana(Legendary)
Tryndamere - Highland Tryndamere(Not Aviable) , Viking Tryndamere(975RP) , Demonblade Tryndamere(Legendary)
Twisted Fate - Tango Twisted Fate(975RP)
Twitch - Kingpin Twitch (Not Aviable) , Medieval Twitch ( You just can get this Skin when you refer 350 Players or more)
Udyr - Black Belt Udyr(520RP)
Vayne - Aristocrat Vayne(520RP)
Vladimir - Blood Lord Vladimir(Legendary)
Warwick - Grey Warwick (You just get this one if you refer more than 50 players) , Big Bad Warwick(520RP)
Wukong - Volcanic Wukong(975RP) , General Wukong(975RP)
Xerath - Runeborn Xerath(975RP)
Xin Zhao - Imperial Xin Zhao(520RP) , Viscero Xin Zhao(975RP)
Yorick - Undertaker Yorick(975RP) , Pentakill Yorick(975RP)
Ziggs - Mad Scientist Ziggs(975RP) , Major Ziggs(975RP)
Zilean - Time Machine Zilean(Not Aviable)
The Price for this Account is 140 € per PayPal and Middelman.
Add me on Skype : cK2f0r
Best Regards