Discussion on i want sell acc with 650+ ip boost and 50 skins within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.
WTS lol acc with 46 champs + 11 skins 1k+ riotpoints 9days ip boost 06/13/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 4 Replies WTS LOL ACC
so ich verkaufe meinen lol acc da ich keine lust mehr auf das spiel habe :D der acc besitzt noch 7000ip 9tage ip booster + 1151 riopt points + 46 champs + 11 skins
i want sell acc with 650+ ip boost and 50 skins 06/22/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies i have for sell account with 650+ ip boost and 50 skins somme legendary
elo 1200 on eu nordic & east i dont want much money for it msg here or pm me
[S]EU West Lvl 30(11 Skins, 22 wins ip boost etc.) 10/17/2011 - League of Legends Trading - 5 Replies Hallo Leute,
Ich iete hier meinen LoL EU West Account zum Tausch bzw. Verkauf an.
Der Account:
-Eu West
-Lvl 30
-138 Wins
-37 Champs (viele 6300)
-3 Runen Seiten (AD,AP gefüllt und eine AD mit Mana reg)
Sell LoL Acc, Lvl 30, 1502 Rank, All Champs, 100+ Skins with 2 Legendary skins. 06/20/2011 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies Basically everything is in the title im looking to sell my account as i hardly get any chance to play anymore. It has all champions, 10 rune pages with a large variety of runes including AD builds, ArP builds, Health, AP, Support, Tank, Energy Regen, Atk Speed, everything really and is currently sitting with over 7000 IP atm for the new champion.
Any interests at all please e-mail me at [email protected] if you require any extra info/screenshots etc.
Price i would be willing...