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Selling NA account with 97 champions and ~50 skins. (LEGACY, LIMITED LEGENDARY SKINS)
Discussion on Selling NA account with 97 champions and ~50 skins. (LEGACY, LIMITED LEGENDARY SKINS) within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.
06/24/2012, 20:13
elite*gold: 120
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 689
Received Thanks: 55
Selling NA account with 97 champions and ~50 skins. (LEGACY, LIMITED LEGENDARY SKINS)
Server: NA
Level: 30
Champions: 97, missing Draven & Darius
Skins: 48 (See below for list)
Elo: 1300 (only ~50 ranked games played. Still gains ~20 per win)
Runes: AD Runes, AP runes, Armor Pen Top Bruiser Runes, Aspeed & Mspeed Jungler Runes, Standard Flat armor, Flat MR, MR/level runes and many more (all the runes you'll ever need).
Contacts Information:
dannylee101 (skype)
List of Skins:
1.Unchained Alister
2.Pharaoh Amumu (Legacy)
3.Hextech Anivia
4.Red Riding Annie (Leagcy)
5.Freljord Ashe
6.Cryocore Brand
7.Officer Caitlyn
8.Hot Rod Corki
9.Toxic Dr Mundo (Legacy)
10.Masquerade Evelynn (Legacy)
11.Frost Ezreal
12.Tundra Fizz
13.Spooky Gangplank
14.Scuba Gragas (Legacy)
15.Snowmerdinger (Limited)
16.Nightblade Irelia
17.Darkforge Jarvan
18.Grim Reaper Karthus
19.Judgement Kayle (Limited)
20.Swamp master Kennen (Legacy)
21.Sonoran Kog'Maw (Legacy)
22.Traditional Lee Sin
23.Valkyrie Leona
24.Sorceress Lux
25.Overlord Malzahar
26.Festive Maokai (Christmas Limited)
27.Mafia Miss Fortune
28.French Maid Nidalee
30.Haunting Nocturne (Halloween Limited)
31.Forsaken Olaf
32.Sewn Chaos Orianna
33.Chrome Rammus
34.Bloodfury Renekton
35.Redeemed Riven
36.Asylum Shaco
37.Yellow Jacket Shen (Legacy)
38.Warmonger Sion
39.Astronaut Teemo (Legendary)
40.Riot Girl Tristana
41.Demonblade Tryndamere (Legendary)
42.Kingpin Twitch (Legacy)
43.Aristocrat Vayne
44.Leprechaun Veigar
45.Volcanic Wukong
46.Battlecast Xerath
47.Pentakill Yorick
48.Groomy Zilean
I might have missed some skins, so you might be in for a surprise.
I only accept [ cash ] or [ cash equivalents ].
Paypal Gift preferred.
Ask me for screenshots or teamviewer.
Kind regards,
06/25/2012, 21:36
elite*gold: 120
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 689
Received Thanks: 55
Bump. Elo is now at 1350.
06/26/2012, 04:18
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 16
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30 bucks
06/26/2012, 09:25
elite*gold: 0
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Posts: 68
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09/27/2012, 18:44
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 8
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NOT TRUSED!!! i've included some pictures that proves it
so i contacted this guy because i wanted to buy a pax jax skin, and after reading some reviews he seemed trustworthy.
But after i transfered the money, he gave me a code which had already been used.
i tried talking to him but he thought this was a scamming attempt by me and logged off. he's now ignoring my PM's and refuses to fix this problem that he blames on me
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