Discussion on [WTS] Silver Elo EuW Account with rare skins! within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.
[S/VK] Lvl 30 NA Account, 81 Champs, 45 Skins, Silver 11/21/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 6 Replies After a good 2 years I've finally decided to quit playing LoL and give away my account.
I'm only accepting cash, preferebly via Paypal. I'd suggest the use of a middleman, since I've never really posted on ePvPers before and want to ensure a safe transaction for both parties.
If you're interested in buying the account, please add me on my skype handle rocketmonk or with the e-mail [email protected]
I speak German and English fluently, so you can contact me in either language.
Here are the...
WTB LoL Account with Beta Skins and Pre-Order Skins, On it.LF RARE SKINS 08/17/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 2 Replies I am mostly interested in the skins side of the buy here the more Rare skins you have on ur account the more i will offer for it please PM with ur account details and we will discuss a price if i like the sound of it
[B] Lv. 30 LoL Account mit Rare Skins uvm!!! [S] PSC 02/20/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 1 Replies Heyho Händler, und LoL Gamer.
Hab hier meinen alten Account der schon seit längerem rumgammelt, und ich ihn jetzt gerne verkaufen würde.
Ich nehme als Zahlung nur Paysafecards an!
Hier n Screen vom Profil, die Champs und Skins werde ich auflisten.
Akali = Stechende Akali
[S] Level 30 USA Account with 1300 ELO and over 200+ skins including rare skins! 01/23/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 3 Replies Hello, I am currently selling a League of Legends account on the North American servers!
I have ran out of time to play, with a newborn on the way, and I need to quit my addiction while giving someone else the poison of having an awesome account with practically everything.
Here are some screenshots of the account:
(I did not show the skins because there is too much, but if you are interested we can be contacted via Skype screen share to show you them all!)
ELO and IP/RP:
ImageShack® -...