Please make sure to check the middleman you are using with this user. I AM NOT ACCUSING HIM OF ANYTHING... just ask the middleman to pm you on the forum.
[WTS] 1700+ ELO US Account 04/27/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 12 Replies 1700+ ELO Account - 1840 Highest
170 Ranked Wins
420 Normal Wins
13 Rune Pages
Crapload of Runes
1850 IP
140 RP
[WTS] Lol Account 1700+ Elo, 8k RP. 02/26/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 2 Replies Hi
I want to sell my LoL Account.
LvL 30, 1121 wins in Normal and 309 wins / 280 looses in Rankeds.
-It has 8K Riot Points and 13K IP.
-The account has all Champions.
WTB Hon account MMR 1700+ 02/23/2012 - Heroes of Newerth - 1 Replies want to buy high mmr hon acct, legacy preferred, would like to do the trade with a middle-man. I also have dota 2
[WTS] *HOT LOL ACCOUNT* , 1700+ Elo, Euw. 02/10/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 1 Replies Hey, I'm here to sell my LoL Account.
The account is LvL 30, has 1083 wins in Normal and 272 wins / 252 looses in Rankeds.
-Silver for season 1 and actually Gold for season 2 ( 1600+ ).
It has 11K Riot Points and 11K Influence Points. jpg