Selling my acc EUW with silver elo 90 champions 6 full rune pages
1100+ wins normal
Rating pic:
Here u can see that acc miss only 4 champs
Midnight Ahri
Blood Lord Vladimir [Legendary]
Musketeer Twisted Fate
Overlord Malzahar
Deamonblade Tryndamere [Legendary]
Harbinger Kassadin
Aristocrat Vayne
Dreadknight Nasus
Traditional Lee Sin
Siren Cassiopeia
Astronaut Teemo [Legendary]
Bligewater Swain
French Maid Nidalee
Vizier Malzahar
Queen Ashe
King Tryndamere
Jack of Hearts Twisted Fate
Grim Reaper Karthus
Bird of Prey Anivia