Discussion on [selling] 83000RP+, 90 champs, 24 skins, 223 T3 runes, 17 runepages, unranked, 3K +IP within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.
Selling my lol account. Had the account up for sale on this site before but didn't get any reasonable offers. Accepting bids from 100€+. I only accept paypal. I have a paypal verified account, ebay account with positive feedback and positive feedback on other trading forums. PM if you need links.
I am willing to sell with whatever offer exceeds 100€ but the "buy now" is 200€.
If you want to buy the account, post in this thread and PM me your email or MSN address. No offers in PMs. After the trade is done leave feedback. Thank you.
Account has: 83000+ riotpoints
3000+ IP
17 runepages
90 champions
24 skins
205 x T3 runes
18 x T3 quints
1 x Free transfer from EUNE to EUW
24 skins
elo: unranked (not a single ranked match has been made) status: senior member (has never been banned or warned) server: EUNE reason for selling: not enough time to play
skins: cottontail teemo, monarch kogmaw, judgement kayle, mafia miss fortune, reverse annie, darkforge jarvan, general wukong, little knight amumu, safari caitlyn, jaximus, urfrider corki, piltover customs blitz, samurai yi, dreadknight garen, blade mistress morgana, gangster twitch, golden alistar, firefighter tristana, big bad warwick, barbarian sion, spooky gangplank, brid of pray anivia, nightmare chogath, molten rammus
Selling my lol account. Had the account up for sale on this site before but didn't get any reasonable offers. Accepting bids from 100€+. I only accept paypal. I have a paypal verified account, ebay account with positive feedback and positive feedback on other trading forums. PM if you need links.
If you want to buy the account, post in this thread and PM me your email or MSN address. No offers in PMs. After the trade is done leave feedback. Thank you.
If needed I can let the potential buyer look at the account before buying using the "Teamviewer" (allows realtime streaming - so you can check that all is in order, amount of champs, riotpoints etc).
boyah 83000 rp ftw :P
Account has over 2500 regular played games
Just pointing out that the account has
most runes you would need
most champions (buying the missing 3 is easy with ip or rp on account)
17 runepages
free transfer
already 24 skins
enough rp to buy
85 additional skins that cost 975 RP
172 additional skins that cost 487 RP
321 additional skins that cost 260 RP
and you would actually get to choose the skins you buy/ wait until they are on sale and get them for half the price
If my math is correct it would take about 449€ to buy the amount of riotpoints that currently on the account. Dunno how much the 90 champions and over 200 runes are worth
One question how can you guarantee that you won't just retrieve the account back?
As said in the first post I can show my trade feedback on other sites, that should be proof. If needed, pm.
Also I think it should be possible to change LoL account's email address. When you buy the account, I can set the account's email to your preferred email address. That way all future account related LoL emails would come to you and there is no way to retrieve the account by anyone who does not have access to that email.
Originally Posted by saschawalter
n1 account :P
If by 100$ you mean 100€ then we got the first decent bid.
Originally Posted by DeathTheK!d
How was the RP obtained on the account?
As this is my only LoL account and I have played for roughly 2 years, I've bought first RP on it though cellphone, the rest though my personal mastercard on Riotstore.
Feel free to look though the past threads I've created on this forum. At one point I found out that there is a RP bug that allows people to get free RP. I made a detailed post about it, how the bug works and also reported it to Riot. If I was stupid or "brave" enough to use the hack myself and risk losing the account that I've put so much money and time into, I would not have made such a bug public information
Selling LoL Account - All Champs, LOTS of skins and runes 12/15/2011 - elite*gold Trading - 0 Replies Lvl 30 NA Account
- 1400+ Solo Queue
- All Champions (including Ahri).
- 3582 IP + incoming Dodge Runes refund.
- Skins:
o Stinger Akali, Crimson Akali
o Unchained Alistar
o Re-Gifted Amumu
o Red Riding Annie
o Queen Ashe
[B]TOP EUNE Acc(54Champs,47Skins) [S]unranked EUW with Runes/Runepages 12/10/2011 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies Hey Community,
Today I want to have a EUW League of Legends Account without any played rankeds.
The Account needs to have a lot of Runes or over 10k IP and at least 3 Runepages (But I will have a look at every offer!)
I dont care about Skins!
Therefore I will give an awesome EUNE Account.