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EU west account 64 champs, 17 skins ( legendary vlad skin)

Discussion on EU west account 64 champs, 17 skins ( legendary vlad skin) within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.

Old   #1
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EU west account 64 champs, 17 skins ( legendary vlad skin)

Hi, selling my account via paypal,


RP 87
IP 1400+
elo: starting - 1250

1. Ahri
2. Akali
3. Alistar
4. Amumu
5. Anivia
6. Annie
7. Ashe
8. Caitlyn
9. Cassiopeia
10. Cho'Gath
11. Corky
12. Dr. Mundo
13. Evelynn
14. Ezreal
15. Fiddlesticks
16. Fizz
17. Gankplank
18. Garen
19. Gragas
20. Graves
21. Jarvan IV
22. Jax
23. Karthus
24. Kassadin
25. Katarina
26. Kayle
27. Kennen
28. LeBlanc
29. Leona
30. Malzahar
31. Master Yi
32. Miss Fortune
33. Mordekaiser
34. Morgana
35. Nasus
36. Nidalee
37. Nunu
38. Pantheon
39. Poppy
40. Rumble
41. Ryze
42. Shaco
43. Shyvana
44. Singed
45. Sion
46. Sivir
47. Soraka
48. Swain
49. Talon
50. Taric
51. Teemo
52. Tristana
53. Tryndamere
54. Twisted Fate
55. Twitch
56. Udyr
57. Vayne
58. Veigar
59. Vladimir
60. Warwick
61. Wukong
62. Xerath
63. Xin Zhao
64. Zilean

SKINS (17)
1. Bird of Prey Anivia
2. Hot Rod Corky
3. Frosted Ezreal
4. Commando Jarvan IV
5. Grim Reaper Karthus
6. Deep One Kassadin
7. Judgment Kayle
8. Shadow Price Malzahar
9. Assassin Master Yi
10. Leopard Nidalee
11. Boneclaw Shyvana
12. Renegade Talon
13. Riot Girl Tristana
14. Count Vladimir
15. Blood Lord Vladimir  LEGENDARY SKIN 
16. Tundra Hunter Warwick
17. Battlecast Xerath

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Old 02/10/2012, 14:05   #2
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