Discussion on WTT US Acc with Pax Jax for EUNE Pax Jax code within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.
buy eune / euwest account 08/24/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 4 Replies i have +150 dolar on paypal . need +20 skin and 30 level +350 wins account. if you have just add my skype zelkowa1...
[EU-West/Eune] Lvl 30 Acc 1350 Elo 08/17/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 2 Replies Hey I sell my level 30 acc what is 1350 elo.
20 champs (some runes)
Skins :
All kennen skins
Price : 5-10€ psc
Selling EUNE 30lol acc 12/21/2011 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies Hi im selling my account cuz im leaving lol and moving to other game
owned champs here : Imageshack - 24740291.png
account has 3 runas pages full.
2 free skins riot trist and unchained alistar.
pm skype : zubz13
WTS eune 30 lvl 09/21/2011 - League of Legends Trading - 2 Replies Cool name(not angrylooser :D), not used transfer
Dont have just 4 champs - wukong, leona, riven, yorick
akali - nurse
alistar - matador
amumu - pharaoh, prom king
annie - prom queen
ashe - freljord
blitzcrank - pitlover customs