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[B]TOP EUNE Acc(54Champs,47Skins) [S]unranked EUW with Runes/Runepages

Discussion on [B]TOP EUNE Acc(54Champs,47Skins) [S]unranked EUW with Runes/Runepages within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.

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[B]TOP EUNE Acc(54Champs,47Skins) [S]unranked EUW with Runes/Runepages

Hey Community,

Today I want to have a EUW League of Legends Account without any played rankeds.
The Account needs to have a lot of Runes or over 10k IP and at least 3 Runepages (But I will have a look at every offer!)

I dont care about Skins!

Therefore I will give an awesome EUNE Account.

He got 54 Champs and 47 Skins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Still 409 RP and 1744 IP left,
and a bunch of nice Runes.

But you can see all Informations on the following Screens:



Elo (Acc still got ~25 elo per win):





Screens added!
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