EU NE level 30,mostly all champs, 60+ skins [PAX&2010 Christmas Skins] 11/27/2011 - League of Legends Trading - 6 Replies Hey, I'm Selling my lol account, for few reasons:
·I got new one
·I dont like eu :d
·I have less time to have 2 acc's
Account Info:
This account is level 30, 654 normal wins, 18964 takedowns,100234 Monster & Minion kill
S1 Bronze
S2 ~1200
56 RP
[B]Much Skins/champs acc [S] PSC 11/15/2011 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies Acc hat folgende champs/skins
Akali: Stechende Akali
EUW S1 Gold ~70 champs ~40 skins ~1450 soloq 11/02/2011 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies biete meinen EUW Account zum verkauf an!
alles wie oben beschrieben
54 Skins:
Graves both skins
Bloodmoon Akali
Unchained Alistar
Almost Promking Amumu
Frostfire Annie
White Ashe skin
Sell LoL Acc, Lvl 30, 1502 Rank, All Champs, 100+ Skins with 2 Legendary skins. 06/20/2011 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies Basically everything is in the title im looking to sell my account as i hardly get any chance to play anymore. It has all champions, 10 rune pages with a large variety of runes including AD builds, ArP builds, Health, AP, Support, Tank, Energy Regen, Atk Speed, everything really and is currently sitting with over 7000 IP atm for the new champion.
Any interests at all please e-mail me at [email protected] if you require any extra info/screenshots etc.
Price i would be willing...