WTS [30lvl] [EUNE] [41 champ] [12 skins] [Paypal only] 09/04/2011 - League of Legends Trading - 13 Replies Hello so as the title says I'm selling level 30 account on EU Nordic-East with 41 champs and 12 skins (1 legendary)-screens below.Got 3 sets of runes all T3 - red : armor and magic penetration x 9 both, yellow mana per 5 and dodge x9 both, blue - minus CD x 9 and 32hp x3 for big ones.The reason I'm selling is that i don't play LoL anymore, i know I'm new to the forum however believe me or not I'm no scammer ;)
I've spend more than 80 euro for RP on this acc, don't expect to cover all of my...
[WTB] Sivir Pax 08/30/2011 - League of Legends Trading - 2 Replies Heya. Ich möchte gerne nen Sivir Pax code kaufen.
Ich würde 5.000 Riot Points geben.
(Über Preis kann man verhandeln!)
Wer noch eine Pax Sivir auf Lager hat bitte melden.
Trade K9 Nasus for Sivir 08/29/2011 - League of Legends Trading - 4 Replies Hi,
i got some unused Nasus from GC here, and i am interested in a PAX Sivir. Anyone up for a trade?
thing is, i don't play nasus, but i'm highly up for a sivir, and i don't have that much cash...
WTB PAX Sivir 08/28/2011 - League of Legends Trading - 3 Replies Hey out there participants of the PAX 2011,
i wanna buy the new PAX Sivir 2011 Skin (unused promo card).
I dont need ny accounts offered with the skin owned on it.