I ran some quick numbers on my league of legends account and noticed that I have spent a good deal of money on this game, and I'd like to make some it back. I love the game, but I need the money pretty bad.
I'm looking for around 220 dollars, if you can offer a number around that than contact me
What you're getting
All Champions
38 Skins
6 Rune Pages
1500ish Elo
Around 1400 games played (Including ranked)
100+ hours of game time
10k+ IP ready to spend
800+ RP ready to spend
Red Runes
9 Armor Pen
9 Magic Pen
9 Attack Speed
5 Physical Damage
Yellow Seals
9 Attack Speed
9 Armor
9 Mana /5 per level
9 Dodge
4 Crit Chance
4 Mana Regen/ 5
4 Magic Resist per level
8 Health per level
3 Magic Resist
Blue Glyphs
9 Magic Resist per level
9 Attack Speed
9 Cooldown Reduction
3 Health
3 Attack Speed
3 Gold per 10
4 Armor Pen (misclicked)
3 Physical Damage
Skins (In no particular order)
1. Jaximus
2. Dreadknight Nasus
3. Pharaoh Nasus
4. Professor Ryze
5. Myrmidon Pantheon
6. Battleborn Kayle
7. Vandal Brand
8. Urfrider Corki
9. Crimson Akali
10. Frosted Ezreal
11. Count Vladimir
12. Traditional Lee Sin
13 Frozen Terror Nocturne
14. Commando Jarvin IV
15. Shadow Prince Malzahar (Yellow)
16. Desert Trooper Garen
17. Sherwood Forest Ashe (Green skin)
18. Totemic Maokai
19. Commando Galio
20. Dreadknight Garen
21. Cowgirl Miss Fortune
22. Glacial Olaf
23. Forsaken Olaf
24. Brolaf
25. Outback Renekton
26. Galactic Renekton
27. Sailor Gangplank
28. Highland Tryndamere
29. Ionia Master Yi
30. Tribal Ryze
31. Primal Udyr
32. Viscero Xin Zhao
33. Viridian Kayle (Green one)
34. Pre-void Kassadin
35. Imperial Xin Zhao
36. Prestigious LeBlanc
37. Enchanted Galio
38. High Noon Twisted Fate
Pictures(Note: I blotted out the IP and RP amounts, but you should be able to make out that there are 2 and 4 numbers respectfully)
As this account is fairly decked out and worth a bit (anyone interested I will tell you the exact amount I've spent on the game.) I will want to do a phone call verify of the person I am talking to, as well as some kind of other verification (Trustwho, Paypal anything of that nature). I will be happy to show you mine as well.
You can contact me at: