I trade rogue lvl 85 with Sorcerer lvl 93 on Auzura-EU for account on Cariae or Katar all class offer me. (AeriaGames)
Rogue :
12860 sp left
30+15 gloves and pants
70-72+13 set (+12 helm)
69+14 daggz
73+14 g5 daggz
85+14 g5 daggz
75+14 g5 gloves
76+14 b5e shirt
77+14 b5e boots
85+14 b5e gloves
86+14 b4e pants (missing dex seal)
87+14 g5e hood
Lv 37 horse
Lv 36 polar bear
Lv 2 jaguar
9 PBI, 10 PSSP, 24 HPS, 23 MPS, 7 Adre, 50 SPB, 90 XPB
30x2 +5% suc
10% + 5% suc acc
30x2 acc
x2 Desire of Sacred Tree ( gives 20% crit and 20% deadly each )
Sorcerer :
lv 93 specialist with 3.8k sp left ( lv 60 quest not done = +3k sp) no stuff.
Screen :

I trade with Middel Man or you trade first !