Also posible to trade this gold for EVE Online ISK.
Please leave here offers or by:

Skype: Vlad_Mihalachi
ICQ: 345-978-470

I accept just Moneybookers or trade for EVE Online ISK (about the rate we shall deal).
Thanks for your atention. I'm new here and i know that you guys have little trust in me. But i'm here not for scaming somebody. Just want to change game that i play, and i think here is a good way to do this...
P.s: type only in english please.
P.s: Also i got on this server my character Mage Wizard lvl 102 full skilled till 102 + 4794 SP free to use.
I have on it full lvl 85-87+15 b5e set. and a lvl 97+18 w2 Staff. Also a lvl 42 drake ans lvl 37 horse. 3 pendants: 1) 93hr x2+ 56eva x1+ 30crit x1+9wizdmg
2) 93hr x1+ 56eva x1+ 30xrti x2+8physatk
3) 93hr x2+ 30crit x1+ 9wizdmg x2
Also a lvl 60-62 set +11-- +13.
Thanks for your atention and feel free to contact me anytime.